Business case: The Rhum Producer and its Distillery (Or how to develop your sales internationally and your revenue globally?)


Are you a rum producer with a fantastic product that's only available in your local market? Well, it's time to think about expanding globally!

Not only are you missing out on potential customers, but you're also losing money every day that you don't act.

Let's do some quick math: if you sell 10,000 bottles of rum per year at a price of $50 each, that's $500,000 in revenue. But if you expanded your business and sold those same 10,000 bottles in just one additional country, you could potentially double your revenue to $1,000,000. And if you added two or three more countries to the mix? The sky's the limit!


Think about all the other rum producers out there who are already taking advantage of the global market. They're stealing your potential customers and leaving you in the dust. Don't let them win!


Expand your business internationally and dominate the competition.


The opportunity cost of not doing so is simply too high, so say Hi to make some more money!